All the settings for the Spatial Manager™ applications are stored in XML files and a backup copy is automatically created whenever any of them is modified
This is the list of configuration files for Spatial Manager:
· Shortcuts.config: Shortcuts configuration
· Tasks.config: saved Tasks
· UserDataSources.config: User Data Source (UDS) configuration
· UserSettings.config: Global application settings
· BackgroundMaps.config: User Background Maps configuration
· BackgroundMapGroups.config: Background Maps Groups configuration
You will find them in the following folders:
· Desktop: ‘user folder\AppData\Local\OpenCartis\Spatial Manager Desktop’
· AutoCAD: ‘user folder\AppData\Local\OpenCartis\Spatial Manager for AutoCAD’
· BricsCAD: ‘user folder\AppData\Local\OpenCartis\Spatial Manager BricsCAD’
In all cases the automatic backup files are stored in the sub-folder “backup” within the folders listed above. A backup file includes in its name the date and the time at which it is generated
So, for example, a backup file named “Shortcuts.config.2016_21_08_19_22_48.bak” corresponds to a backup copy of the configuration file “Shortcuts.config”, which has been modified on August 21, 2016 at 19:22:48 hours If you want to restore any backup file, just rename it as the original configuration file and copy it to the appropriate folder, replacing the current application configuration file. You should carry out this operation after closing the application and we recommend you make a copy of the replaced file before replacing it
Note: the backup files are not kept more than 15 days