Spatial Manager Blog (page 24)

LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is a surveying method that measures distance to a target by illuminating the target with pulsed laser light and measuring the reflected pulses with a sensor. Differences in laser return times and wavelengths can then... more

Raster geo-referenced image files are widely used by anyone working in GIS or Mapping environments because they can include orthophotos, scanned geographic areas or details, information overlays, etc. Although almost all CAD applications have tools for attaching raster images... more

An application whose primary focus is the spatial information handling (such as ‘Spatial Manager’), must include specific functionalities related to Coordinate Reference Systems (CRSs) and Transformations of geographic data (vector or raster) between different CRSs ... more

For designers and users of geographic information in all its scope, the use of different shapes and sizes of polygonal fills allows to quickly and visually differentiate areas of a map that represent different phenomena, conditions or status: population... more

In a recent post of this Blog (see the link below) we reviewed the exciting possibilities of the ‘Import-all’ function in the CAD versions of ‘Spatial Manager’ (AutoCAD/BricsCAD/ZWCAD). This function has since undergone some interesting improvements ... more

Under certain conditions, displaying large images on ‘Google Earth’ may cause problems. These images can be replaced by a “cross” in order to indicate that the real image cannot be loaded on the map. Other times, images may be... more