Mapflow is a cutting-edge geospatial intelligence platform leveraging artificial intelligence to automatically identify and classify geographic objects—such as buildings, roads, and forested areas—within satellite and aerial imagery. MapFlow enables high-precision detection and segmentation, transforming geospatial imagery into... more
Reverse geocoding is the process of converting geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) into a human-readable address or place name. This is typically done using a reverse geocoding service or API, which can interpret the provided coordinates and return the corresponding... more
Perform calculations on new or existing field values by applying a wide range of operators and functions, such as arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), mathematical functions (square root, logarithms, trigonometric functions), and date manipulations. These expressions can incorporate constant... more
Direct geocoding is the process of converting an address or a place name into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This is typically done using a geocoding service or API, which can interpret the provided address and return the corresponding coordinates... more
WFS data servers provide the ability to access vector spatial information via a remote connection. Although you can use ‘Spatial Manager’ User Data Sources (UDS) to access this type of servers, it is interesting to know that these servers... more
User Data Sources (UDS) have been developed inside every product of the Spatial Manager™ suite mainly to access spatial databases and spatial stores, but they can also be used to access spatial data files including their own connection parameters Access to... more