Import Google Earth objects into ZWCAD

How to import elements from Google Earth into ZWCAD

With just a few clicks, importing data from Google Earth into ZWCAD (DWG/DXF) is a simple and efficient process with Spatial Manager for ZWCAD.

Step-by-Step tutorial for importing Google Earth data into ZWCAD using Spatial Manager

If you haven’t installed Spatial Manager for ZWCAD yet, you can begin a free trial here. If you’re already a user, be sure to update to the latest version.

1. Create your own KML or KMZ file or use an existing one

  • If you already have an existing KML or KMZ file, go directly to step 2 and import it.
  • Open Google Earth and locate the area of your project.
  • Draw your custom elements using the tools from the toolbar (add placemark, polygons or paths).
  • You could also add some name and description for further reference.
  • Save “My places” to a KML or KMZ file.
Create objects in Google Earth

Create objects in Google Earth

2. Import KML or KMZ file from Google Earth into ZWCAD

  • Execute SPMIMPORT command.
  • Select the KML/KMZ file.
  • Choose between a wide range of options like fill polygons or create labels.

3. Show Google Maps as background (optional)

  • Execute SPMBGMAPSHOW command.
  • Select any of the available Google Maps style or maps from other sources.
  • While changing the view, the background map is updated automatically to the best resolution.
Google Earth file imported into ZWCAD

Google Earth file imported into ZWCAD

How could I also import imagery from Google Earth into ZWCAD

It can also be done by Spatial Manager for ZWCAD, for a detailed step-by-step tutorial visit this dedicated article.

What is the alternative if I need the inverse process, from ZWCAD to Google Earth?

It can be done using SPMEXPORT command, review the full export to Google Earth feature.

What happens if the Coordinate Reference System does not match with my drawing?

Automatic coordinate transformation is selected and applied based on the project area. If it still does not fit perfectly, it is possible to make fine adjustments to your geometries to the base map using some drawing tools like rubber sheet.

I would like to have an integrated Google Maps image for any of my projects from different areas

You can use the background maps technology to use Google Maps in ZWCAD.

What versions and editions of ZWCAD are compatible?

All versions from ZWCAD 2017 are compatible, Professional Edition (Classic and Standard are not compatible) and also other vertical ZWSOFT products like ZWCAD Architecture. As soon as ZWSOFT releases a new version, an updated version of Spatial Manager for ZWCAD will be ready to ensure the compatibility from day-one.