It is a common practice to use Google Earth as a visual tool to show spatial information in a standard format which many users already know through an intuitive and easy to manage application
Professionals who work with spatial data using various usual formats of GIS platforms, often need to communicate and transfer information to customers or colleagues who do not have enough knowledge or tools to analyze such data
Spatial Manager Desktop™ provides spatial data management utilities to perform simple but powerful operations to get immediate results, which can be easily shared with users of popular applications like Google Earth
Through the use of the data providers included in Spatial Manager Desktop™, which allow access to the most extended formats of spatial files and databases or storage of geo-spatial data, the application can manage spatial Features in the same way regardless of their origin
In the example shown in the video below, we analyze the required process to highlight the buildings located in an area of a city, by its differentiation within a KML/KMZ Google Earth file accessible to any user without specific knowledge of GIS or spatial data management
We apply easy to use but effective tools, such as restrict Feature selections by Layers or the spatial queries. You can also note some advanced features in the KML/KMZ provider of Spatial Manager Desktop™, such as the option to define structures of complex folders, to differentiate the information contained in the exported file
Please, watch the video: