Reverse geocoding is the process of converting geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) into a human-readable address or place name. This is typically done using a reverse geocoding service or API, which can interpret the provided coordinates and return the corresponding address details

Available for AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD, GstarCAD and Desktop

Steps for getting address data based on a set of points:

1. Input data

  • Execute SPMGEOCODING_REVERSE command
  • Select the points
Direct geocoding options

Direct geocoding options

2. Geocoding provider

  • Select the provider between Bing, Google and OpenStreetMap (some of them require an API key)
  • You can select specific result types according the type of elements you want to search data for
Google Maps result types

Google Maps result types

3. Data retrieval

  • Get the data related to each coordinate
Reverse geocoding results

Reverse geocoding results

  • You can append to the existing objects data table
Select fields for adding to the points table

Select fields for adding to the points table

  • Or export to CSV
Export to CSV options

Export to CSV options

Note: Some functionalities can be found in the Standard or Professional editions only