SPM Desktop > Features > Spatial analysis

Spatial analysis

Perform spatial analysis operations over the objects in the drawing or map generating new objects from such analysis

Spatial Manager Desktop™ provides a comprehensive set of tools to perform spatial analysis operations over the vector objects of the drawing or map and their attached data, resulting in new objects generated by the resolution of such operations

Spatial analysis operations can be performed on a combination of tables, layers or drawing objects previously selected by interacting with on-screen elements or by using the application's advanced selection queries

Generate Buffered polygons around point, linear or polygonal features

Allows you to create new features based on geometric and data operations between two existing feature groups. These operations are':' Intersect, Union, Erase, Identity, Clip, Paste and Symmetric Difference

Generate new Polygons based on the grouping of other adjacent polygons with some common data

Allows you to generate Centroids (Point features) for the selected polygons. The polygons data will be attached also to the Centroid features

Creates polygons defined by the sets of points closest to each point of a selection in the map (Voronoi diagrams)

frequently asked questions
  • Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and higher
  • 1024 x 768 VGA graphics, or higher
  • 1 GHZ 32-bit or 64-bit processor, or faster
  • 1 GB RAM or more (4GB recommended)
  • 2 GB free disk space, or more
  • Microsoft .NET 4.5 (installer included)
  • Windows Installer 3.1 or later
Spatial files
  • Esri Shape file - (SHP)
  • Google Earth file - (KML, KMZ)
  • OpenStreetMap file - (OSM, PBF, OSC) (1)
  • LiDAR file - (LAS, LAZ)
  • GPS exchange format file - (GPX)
  • Esri ASCII Grid file - (ASC, ASCII) (1)
  • ASCII text file - (ASC, CSV, NEZ, TXT, XYZ, UPT)
  • SQLite file - (SQLITE, DB)
  • GeoPackage file - (GPKG) (1)
  • GML file - (GML, GZ, XML)
  • Autodesk SDF file - (SDF) (3)
  • MicroStation v.7 file - (DGN) (2)
  • AutoCAD DXF file - (DXF) (2)
  • Esri ArcInfo export file (ASCII) - (E00) (1) (2)
  • MapInfo file - (TAB) (2)
  • MapInfo interchange format file - (MIF/MID) (2)
  • GeoJSON file - (GEO.JSON)

Spatial raster files
  • Variable resolution Raster image file - (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF/COG TIFF) (1) (4)

Spatial data servers and Geo-databases
  • Esri Geodatabase File - (GDB) (1)
  • PostGIS database
  • Microsoft SQL Server Spatial database
  • MySQL database (1) (3)

Image map servers
  • WMS Web Map Services (4)
  • WMTS Web Map Tile Services (4)
  • XYZ/TMS Tile Map Services (4)

Other spatial data sources
  • Open Database Connectivity ODBC (1)
  • WFS data store (1)
  • WFS data store (FDO) (1) (3) (5)
  • WFS data store (OGR) (1) (2) (5)

(1) Read-only
(2) OGR data source
(3) FDO provider
(4) Background Maps technology
(5) DEPRECATED - Whenever possible use the native WFS data provider

Note: certain data Providers are only valid for some Editions of the application
  • We process a personalized analysis of each case, so some types of advanced licenses are not offered directly on the web store. Please contact to support@spatialmanager.com indicating your needs and we will send you a customized quote