Spatial Manager™ for BricsCAD allows to the BricsCAD users choose from among a lot of dynamic Backgrounds Maps from many providers such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, MapBox, Ordnance Survey, etc., customized maps from TMS, WMS or WMTS servers or connections to Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) type origins. These maps will enhance the drawings quality and will let the users compare and check better
The map images are automatically updated when the drawing view changes (zoom, pan, etc.) and the images resolution is automatically adapted to the view size. The user can take static geo-referenced Snapshots of the Maps, as well as export/import customized map definitions to be shared with other users
Use the tabs in the Background Maps window to display a specific Map Provider Group, where the selection boxes show a preview image of the available Maps in this Group. Quickly show and hide any Map. Regenerate tools
It is also possible to set Background Maps in empty drawings in order to have a cartographic base when starting a new piece of work or project even without defining a specific Coordinate Reference System
Configure new Groups and new Maps by entering a minimum of data. There are also tools to edit the Maps configuration data or delete them from the list
Get static BricsCAD raster images from the Maps. Up to four levels of image resolution. Provides interesting solutions to define different maps for different Viewports and/or Views, as an advanced Printing or Publishing tool, to combine Maps or to clip the Maps
The background map is automatically updated when changing view even when there are active drawing commands (line, polyline, ...), which will make digitizing tasks on the map much easier
You can display several background maps simultaneously, set the priority of each of them and activate/deactivate them independently
Mapflow is a cutting-edge geospatial intelligence platform leveraging artificial intelligence to automatically identify and classify geographic objects—such as buildings, roads, and forested areas—within satellite and aerial imagery.... more
The Farm Service Agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides some web services for accessing the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). Spatial Manager products provide an easy way... more
The Street View palette in ‘Spatial Manager’ (CAD versions) allows you to visualize dynamic Google Street View images directly in your CAD application by selecting a point on any geo-referenced... more
In this post we will review the tools provided by ‘Spatial Manager’ for accessing geographic dataset services, both imagery and vector. This example will use some of the datasets provided... more