SPM for ZWCAD > Features > Import data

Import spatial data into ZWCAD

Imports spatial data, into new or existing ZWCAD drawings, as ZWCAD objects and Extended Entity Data (EED)

Spatial Manager™ for ZWCAD imports spatial data, into new or existing ZWCAD drawings, as ZWCAD objects and Extended Entity Data (EED), using a powerful wizard which lets the user choose or select all the necessary import parameters in order to get differentiated spatial information in a CAD drawing

Batch-import, automatic layering, fill of polygons, blocks according data values and mapped attributes, labeling, elevation, thickness or the spatial filters are only part of the application functionality when importing from spatial files, data servers, data stores, etc. (Data Providers list)

Import processes can be performed in the current ZWCAD drawing or in a new drawing. The application opens a new drawing automatically if needed

Define a common target layer or select a field from the incoming data source to take its values as the target layer for each new imported object

Choose between ZWCAD Points or Block References when importing point features or polygon feature centroids. When using Blocks, you can select a field to choose the Block References names to insert and "map" fields from the incoming data to Attributes included inside the Block definitions

Also use fields from the incoming data to define Block insertion parameters, such as the scale and the rotation

Fill polygon areas using ZWCAD Hatches and define the Hatches parameters, such as pattern, angle and scale. Apply transparencies to the Hatches

Draw optional centroids when importing polygon features using ZWCAD Points or Block References

Choose a data field to label any object: point type, linear type or polygonal type (centroids). Smart text location for the linear type objects. The properties for the new texts (rotation, height, etc.) can be taken from other data fields

Import only the objects in the current view

Take field values from incoming data to set the elevation and/or thickness for the new objects

Import Features data as XDATA (EED) to get more "intelligent" ZWCAD drawings

* Only available in Standard and Professional editions

Skip unnecessary steps for a particular job and go directly to the execution of the import process, to follow all the guidelines set by the import wizard

Use the right-click menu on a particular data source to import from this source, or run the import command that avoids having to open the application palette if you do not want it

Import all the files from a folder in one go. If needed, separate the content of each file in different Layers

The Tasks allow to repeat any import process so many times as desired without needing to enter the parameters again. Manage and execute Tasks in the application palette

* Only available in Professional edition

frequently asked questions
Current compatible ZWCAD applications:
  • ZWCAD and ZWCAD Architecture
  • Professional edition (Classic and Standard editions are not compatible)
  • Versions: From v.2017 to v.2025 both included
System requirements:
  • Windows 7 or higher
  • 500 MB free disk space, or more
  • Windows Installer 3.1 or later
Spatial files
  • Esri Shape file - (SHP)
  • Google Earth file - (KML, KMZ)
  • OpenStreetMap file - (OSM, PBF, OSC) (1)
  • LiDAR file - (LAS, LAZ)
  • GPS exchange format file - (GPX)
  • Esri ASCII Grid file - (ASC, ASCII) (1)
  • ASCII text file - (ASC, CSV, NEZ, TXT, XYZ, UPT)
  • SQLite file - (SQLITE, DB)
  • GeoPackage file - (GPKG) (1)
  • GML file - (GML, GZ, XML)
  • Raster image file - (TIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, TIFF) (1)
  • Autodesk SDF file - (SDF) (3)
  • MicroStation v.7 file - (DGN) (2)
  • AutoCAD DXF file - (DXF) (2)
  • Esri ArcInfo export file (ASCII) - (E00) (1) (2)
  • MapInfo file - (TAB) (2)
  • MapInfo interchange format file - (MIF/MID) (2)
  • GeoJSON file - (GEO.JSON)

Spatial raster files
  • Raster image file - (TIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, TIFF) (1)
    • Georeference sources - (World files, Google Earth .GEPRINT, etc.)
  • Variable resolution Raster image file - (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF/COG TIFF) (1) (4)

Spatial data servers and Geo-databases
  • Esri Geodatabase File - (GDB) (1)
  • PostGIS database
  • Microsoft SQL Server Spatial database
  • MySQL database (1) (3)

Image map servers
  • WMS Web Map Services (4)
  • WMTS Web Map Tile Services (4)
  • XYZ/TMS Tile Map Services (4)

Other spatial data sources
  • Open Database Connectivity ODBC (1)
  • WFS data store (1)
  • WFS data store (FDO) (1) (3) (5)
  • WFS data store (OGR) (1) (2) (5)

(1) Read-only
(2) OGR data source
(3) FDO provider
(4) Background Maps technology
(5) DEPRECATED - Whenever possible use the native WFS data provider

Note: certain data Providers are only valid for some Editions of the application
  • We process a personalized analysis of each case, so some types of advanced licenses are not offered directly on the web store. Please contact to support@spatialmanager.com indicating your needs and we will send you a customized quote