Spatial Manager Blog : Configuration

‘Spatial Manager’ dynamic Background Maps functions allow you to use preset maps  (Bing, MapBox, OpenStreetMap, etc.), but also define and group your own maps by accessing public, administration or enterprise WMS, WMTS or XYZ/TMS servers (Google Maps, Municipalities, Gov. Agencies,... more

Any CAD user is familiar with the use of drawing Templates (DWT), which can include all those standards that allow you  to start new drawings in a given pre-configuration environment. Here we will review some of the ‘Spatial Manager’... more

Most of the ‘Spatial Manager’ application settings can be shared between different users in a company or organization, so they do not need to repeat the same configuration processes on every workstation or for every user in a workstation... more

When installing ‘Spatial Manager for AutoCAD or BricsCAD or ZWCAD or GstarCAD’ the setup program checks which compatible Autodesk or Bricsys or ZWSOFT or Gstarsoft programs are installed on the computer at that time and... more

All the settings for the Spatial Manager™ applications are stored in XML files and a backup copy is automatically created whenever any of them is modified This is the list of configuration files for Spatial Manager: · Shortcuts.config: Shortcuts configuration... more