Spatial Manager Blog : Elevations

Spatial Manager have some utilities for working with terrains and elevations, one of them allows to search elevations for existing points. Doing some steps it is possible to create a data field and store in it the elevation value, even... more

Google Earth internally works with meters as elevation units and this can be an obstacle when feet are the desired measurement units. This tutorial explains an easy workaround for viewing contour elevations values in Google Earth and their elevations in... more

Height units remain unchanged when coordinate conversions are applied, but sometimes it is required to change them, especially when the target format is limited to a specific unit, this happens with KML when the use of meters is a mandatory... more

Spatial Manager (CAD versions) includes the option to Insert Nodes when importing objects such as Polylines or Polygons. These nodes can be created as Points or as Block Inserts (if any have been defined) in the drawing. This functionality extends... more

In order to enhance the visibility of Contour Labels, ‘Spatial Manager’ (CAD versions) now includes some new options which can also be applied to the object Labels while Importing. In this post you can learn more about these options Related... more

Although you can find several examples in this Blog where you can see how to export 3D objects to Google Earth basing their altitudes on an attached data or on their constant Z elevation, you can also export native 3D... more