Spatial Manager Terrain Assistant, available in the CAD versions (AutoCAD, BricsCAD and ZWCAD), provides the user with intuitive tools for processing 2D/3D Terrain information (Points, Contours, and Digital Terrain Models). In this blog entry we review the possibilities that the... more
Google Earth includes a little-known function that allows you to analyze the elevation profiles of roads, streets, highways, railways, paths, etc. polylines. The tools for export/publish to KML or KMZ files from your flat 2D (or 3D) drawings and maps... more
When reading Shapefiles (SHP) which include terrain Contour lines, it is very common to find that the Z coordinate of each Contour is set as being a numerical data in a Field of the associated data table Object Elevations... more
Some 2D Shapefiles (SHP) may include 3D information inside its associated alphanumeric data table. For example, it is quite common to find the values of the elevation and height of the polygon features inside some fields of the data table 3D and pseudo-3D Shapefiles... more