Spatial Manager Blog : Geo-reference

Rubber sheeting refers to a method in mapping and surveying where a map or spatial data is adjusted or “stretched” to align with a reference map or coordinate system. This process helps to fix distortions caused by differences in scale,... more

When working with data sets from different sources, there are often differences in alignment between elements. The SPMRUBBERSHEET command allows to select base points and reference points to modify vertices in a non-uniform way, beyond a simple displacement, scaling and... more

Many ‘Spatial Manager’ functions (Import, Export, Background Maps, etc.) can automatically perform a process of coordinates Transformation from the source to the target as part of the sequence executed by these functions. That means that the application will calculate a... more

The functionality of transforming the coordinate system (CRS) of a drawing in ONE STEP is one of the tools most requested by the application users. This operation, which in some cases presents a high geometric complexity, is totally transparent and... more

Google Earth allows you to save any image of the maps that are shown on the screen considering which are the active Places and Layers along with a configuration file (.geprint) that stores the Map options but also the Map... more

Raster geo-referenced image files are widely used by anyone working in GIS or Mapping environments because they can include orthophotos, scanned geographic areas or details, information overlays, etc. Although almost all CAD applications have tools for attaching raster images... more