Blog : Import (page 6)

‘Spatial Manager’ includes an option to manage the Z coordinate when importing spatial data (Shapefiles, Google Earth KML, ASCII, Excel, LiDAR, etc.) into AutoCAD, BricsCAD or ZWCAD drawings. It is a configuration little known by many of the application users... more

The generation of labels or tags when importing spatial objects into AutoCAD, BricsCAD or ZWCAD using ‘Spatial Manager’, includes multiple options that allow the user to customize the marking of the objects based on the values in the spatial... more

‘Spatial Manager’ (AutoCAD/BricsCAD/ZWCAD) provides a wide range of tools that allow you to stylize the imported graphic objects in order to quickly identify different events or conditions using different colors, symbols, patterns, etc. What is commonly known as a “Thematic Map”,... more

LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is a surveying method that measures distance to a target by illuminating the target with pulsed laser light and measuring the reflected pulses with a sensor. Differences in laser return times and wavelengths can then... more

Raster geo-referenced image files are widely used by anyone working in GIS or Mapping environments because they can include orthophotos, scanned geographic areas or details, information overlays, etc. Although almost all CAD applications have tools for attaching raster images... more

For designers and users of geographic information in all its scope, the use of different shapes and sizes of polygonal fills allows to quickly and visually differentiate areas of a map that represent different phenomena, conditions or status: population... more