In applications that manage spatial data, it is very usual and useful to Copy or to Save alphanumeric data from data tables so it can be used in other Office, GIS or CAD applications

Spatial Manager Desktop™ provides the ability to export this data from the Data grid, including interesting export options, to a text file (*.txt, *.csv, *.tab or *.asc), which can be imported into other applications such as MS Excel, MS Access or AutoCAD (see this post)


But there is also a very fast, direct option to Copy any number of lines from the Data grid to the Windows Clipboard. Just select these lines, using the CTRL or SHIFT keys, and press the combination of standard keys for Copying to the Clipboard (CTRL + C)


After the Copy operation, the information, which is now contained inside the Clipboard, is tabulated and can be Pasted into any application that supports data tables or simple text contents

In the pictures below the results of Pasting this data into applications such as MS Excel or AutoCAD can be seen

